
Who am I? Well, what can I say?

I really enjoy school (most of the time), and I have had several teachers call me an overachiever. I dislike math, but I love history. I enjoy making crafts, especially posters for school. Things that have to do with art I usually enjoy, although I am not superb at drawing. I love to read books, watch movies, listen to music, and hum loudly (to the annoyance of my siblings).

Sports are not really my thing. Surprising considering my brother and sister love them so much. Soccer scares me, and I dread playing volleyball. A runner, I am not. I played tennis for a summer (“played”), and did basketball for one season, with the utterly amazing  free-throw percentage of only two out of six free throws! I stuck with swim team for a while, almost three years, although I can’t honestly say that I enjoyed it.

Nor am I very musical. I like to say that I have played four instruments, five if you count the recorder ( in third grade I mastered the song Hot Cross Buns). Piano, guitar, flute, and saxophone where the fruits of years in band. I will not say that only used my saxophone to scare people, but I won’t say that it isn’t true. Flute, to the joy of my siblings was practiced at the dinner table, and I am sure that my Christmas guitar songs were a “pleasure” to listen to. I don’t really have a good voice, although I did do choir- don’t ask why.

I have to say that my favorite food would be chocolate (yes, it is a food! I don’t take any of the nonsense that candy doesn’t count as a “real” food). Dark chocolate to be specific. A nice 83% with gooey caramel in the center. Ghirardelli, preferably.

TV shows and movies I watch are very limited to content. I mostly just watch singing competitions, like the voice, American Idol, the X-factor… etc. For movies, I love Jurassic World, the Marvel movies that I am allowed to see ( Not Iron Man, or Spider Man), the Hunger Games ( FINNICK!), and… every single Disney princess movie (except Brave).

Books that I love include Harry Potter, the Narnia series, Hunger Games again, Keeper of the Lost Cities ( an under appreciated children series), Lunar Chronicles, and Princess Academy by Shannon Messenger.

I enjoy listening to Pop music and contemporary Christian.  My favorite song is still Say Something by a Great Big World.

While asking my family for words to describe me, my parents said creative, meticulous, and thoughtful. My brother said “interesting” and thoughtful- most of the time. And my sister just downright said grumpy… although I myself do not think that this is true.

Future plans include going to a college and getting my degree in education, after which my dream job would be getting a job teaching World History at a high school. If that didn’t work out, I would love to become a missionary in some foreign country (without large, creepy spiders).

Sharing with sauce,
