

I hate you.

Right now, I really do.

I hate that you’ve ruined me.

I hate that I let you ruin me.

I hate that I still love the things you gave me.

I hate how you just forgot.

I hate how I can’t forget.

I hate how now everything has to be ok.

I hate that nothing I do will hurt you, but everything you do hurts me.

I hate that I can’t move on.

I hate that you have.

I hate that I’m stuck with all these things and thoughts and memories.

I hate that I can’t fly away.

I hate that you’ve changed me.

I hate that I still see some of you in me.

I hate that I hate you now.

I hate that things had to turn out like this.

I hate that I still hope.

I want this hate to burn everything away. I want you out. I want to completely forget everything. Quite literally. If I could start all over again, I wouldn’t make the same mistake. I wouldn’t be so stupid. I just want everything to go away. I don’t want to remember anything.



There comes a point in life when you have a pile of crap in your room.

A pile of crap sitting right in the middle of your room.

Somehow, you fail to acknowledge it for the longest time. You walk past it without giving it a second glance.

But one day the pile of crap starts to stink up your room.

One day you smell a stinking scent in your room and finally realize that there’s a pile of crap, right there, in the middle of your room.

You try your best to take care of it, but it just won’t be gone. It’s still there. After all of your efforts. Looking through the crap, you find something long forgotten.

It’s an antique, something that someone gave you once upon a time. You look upon it with a nostalgic fondness.

But it stinks. It is junk, it is crap. How do you take care of it? How can you throw away something someone special gave to you? How will that affect your relationship with them?

You feel attached to it. You don’t want to throw it away. But it’s causing more harm than good.

You’ve arrived at a crossroads with a question– What will I do and where will it take me?





Sometimes sleep is impossible.

I don’t know why. I don’t know how.

If little creatures creep into your mind, they will destroy it.

How do they get in? Who gave them the key?

This is very perplexing, especially since you consider yourself to be a very careful and clever person.

You think you have the only key. And even that you have hidden from yourself.

Little do you know, someone else has a key as well.

You don’t recall ever making a copy. You don’t remember giving someone a key.

You accidentally gave it away.

Who cares? This person must be very careful and clever, as well, to be able to access such a well-guarded key.

Indeed they are.

They are very clever. Perhaps even clever-er than you.

They take the key and open up your mind. They didn’t know it, but the creatures crept in. The creatures made a home in your mind.

They slept and slept and slept.

Finally, when this key-holder decided to lock everything back up and throw away the key, because they found nothing in your mind worth knowing, the creatures wake up.

They are trapped in your mind.

And they won’t get out.

This person is not so very careful after all.

Some Wisdom on Halloween

Some Wisdom on Halloween

I’ve been looking forward to Halloween ever since summer ended. I mean, it’s only the BEST HOLIDAY EVEERRRR! (Ok, besides Christmas. In my opinion.) You get to dress up as your most favorite-est character or thing AND you get free candy? It’s so great! Or, it used to be… since apparently there’s an age limit. Which is absolutely absurd. I say, if you want free candy and are willing to dress up, why shouldn’t you? And if you don’t like candy, go drink coffee and watch your local nightly news and do other boring stuff. Just kidding! But seriously, I have 3 problems with Halloween:

  1. There’s an age limit. I have to buy my candy if I crave it on October 31.
  2. My house is not in a neighborhood. This means no trick-or-treaters. 😦
  3. “Sexy” costumes. They are disgusting and they spoil the fun of Halloween.

One word of advice to go with #3: Be creative if you’re going to wear a costume! Honestly, even though I can’t trick-or-treat, I love seeing what creative costumes people are wearing. So, this year, when I see a hundred different Harley Quinns, I won’t be too impressed. There is so much potential for costumes, people! Use that creativity!

This year for Halloween, I’ll probably buy a bag or two of discount candy from Walmart, snuggle up on the couch with my really, really, giant, fuzzy blanket, and binge watch a bunch of Halloween movies (wait… what sort of Halloween movies are there? The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloweentown, all those Tim Burton movies… wow. There are a lot more than I thought.) Yes, I am a loner. I wish could say I’ll have a giant Halloween social event, however that probably won’t happen. I was actually thinking of dressing up as Effie Trinket or wear one of those all pink bodysuits, but what’s the point if no one will be able to witness your genius? Sitting on the couch in a pink bodysuit practically inhaling each piece of candy doesn’t really capture the ‘spirit’ of Halloween. I guess this year I’ll just be a Halloween bum.

When I used to trick-or-treat, though, I had tons of fun. One year I went as Princess Leia, another year I was a bat, and my favorite costume was a pack of m&m’s. Yes, my totally awesome mother handmade me an m&m’s costume. And let me clarify, I wasn’t just a single m&m, I was a package of m&m’s. It was pretty cool. Although, that was also the year that I accidentally went trick-or-treating at on of my friend’s house. After I knocked on the door, it opened to reveal my friend… with a bunch of her other friends. Now, even though I was extremely happy with my costume, once I saw all of those girls in their cute little cat costumes (seriously, I think they were all dressed as identical black cats) I felt sort of embarrassed. All I wanted was to get out of there. And so I did. That was probably my worst Halloween experience. How do you guys feel about Halloween?

Oh, and one more thing: Watch out for clowns.

Sharing with sauce,



A Letter to the People at Starbucks…

A Letter to the People at Starbucks…

Dear Employees at Starbucks,

Being a frequent customer, I have a few things to bring to your attention. First off, I love your half off Frappiccino week! That is my favorite. Of course, I would really appreciate if you could enlarge this period of time, as it is helpful to those of us with very little pocket money.

Two, I would like to bring to your attention the amounts of toppings you put on each coffee. Okay, so some of us might be here for the actual coffee, but who are we kidding, everyone under the age of 40 wants a larger caramel to coffee ratio. This is especially relating to the S’mores drink. Your advertisements clearly show that at least one-third of the cup is filled with marshmallow and chocolate, when in reality, it is not. The meager amount of the chocolate completely takes away from the actual S’mores flavor!

Lastly, I would like to discuss with you the spelling of names on the cups. I am not one of the people who is grossly insulted when you spell my name incorrectly, but I mean, when you do not even know that your drink is done because you did not hear anything even similar to your name called, it is a bit annoying. Plus, by the time you realize that drink has been ready for a few minutes and they really aren’t discriminating against you by getting everyone’s’ drinks ready before yours, the whipped cream has totally melted into your drink.

Overall, I would like to commend you on your wonderful sevice and innovative flavors, but these few small issues need to be changed to insure a better experience at your store.


A dedicated “coffee” lover, KAYnoodle

Some Wisdom on Poetry

Some Wisdom on Poetry

So, apparently April is poetry month. If you did not know this, I don’t blame you. I didn’t even know that a month was set aside and recognized as a month of poetry until a couple of days ago. When I learned this, I was very troubled. No one even thought to make a whole month for, say, Oreos? Or origami? Or games? No, no, silly me, of course poetry is much more important than any of those things. I suppose the matter isn’t how important it is, but how interesting. On a scale of one to ten, one being SO BORING I COULD DIE and ten being SO EXCITING I COULD DIE, poetry scores a 2. At least for me. I would give it a 1, but who am I kidding, I love Shel Silverstein.

I know some people adore poetry, and while I am sitting in a corner reading science fiction, others might be raving about the peaceful flow and elegance of rhyming, rhythmic words. For this reason, I have decided to reach out to fellow poets and write my own poetry. Actually, I do have some experience, because when I was just a youngling I loved poetry and wrote quite a bit of it. I thought it was beautifully simple. As you can see, my viewpoint has slightly changed. Nevertheless, I will write different types of poetry and share my thoughts on each.

1. Haikus

It does not make sense,

poetry should flow smoothly.

These are tangled words.

Haikus, a traditional type of Japanese poetry with three lines and 17 syllables total. The first line is 5 syllables, the second is 7, and the third is 5. To be honest, haikus frustrate me. They don’t sound like poetry and they don’t look like poetry. There’s no rhyme or rhythm. They’re too short. On the other hand, I technically didn’t write my haiku correctly. Usually a haiku is written as a super long adjective. It describes something, usually nature. My haiku just… complains… about haikus.

2. Couplet

The dark eyes stare endlessly deep,

looking for someone to keep.

Now couplets, I’d say, are the definition of poetry. Couplets rhyme and have rhythm. The ending word of each line should both rhyme and both lines should have about the same amount of syllables. This was actually fun to write (dare I say it??), however it was also quite easy. As long as you know rhyming words and how to count syllables, then it will also come across pretty easy for you as well. I imagine that writing a longer poem composed of couplets would take work, but I don’t often like to associate work with poetry.

3. Limerick

There once was a tree, which held a bird

The bird chatted of things quite absurd

Of pickles and rainbows,

Of toffee and banjos

And of other things scarcely heard.

Wow! I suppose this is what Mr. Silverstein writes. Limericks are often very fun and playful. They’re arranged in an AABBA order. In other words, lines 1,2, and 5 are similar and lines 3 and 4 are similar. If you’d like to get more specific I suggest you look up how to write a limerick (or click the link at the end of this post). This took a lot of time, though. It really does stretch the brain. I really enjoy that this type of poem is full of nonsense, just like me.

That’s all I’ll do at the moment, however, I’d love to see KAYnoodle attempt some poetry (let’s try to encourage her, shall we?) or contribute in some sort of way to “poetry month” (I’m sorry but it’s pretty funny, I’m laughing at this moment). Anyways, if any of you have any poems or writing that you’d like us to read, we’d be happy to check it out! Just leave a link in the comments.

Happy poet-ing–er–poet writing–um–poetry reading–UGH! Have a good week.

Sharing with sauce,


P.S. Click here for good instructions on different types of poetry.




Doggy Disruption

Doggy Disruption

Yes, the holidays are over for a while. Christmas is over and New Year’s is old news. Everything is calm. At least, now it is. I think every one has experienced the “Christmas Chaos” or “Holiday Havoc” or something in that category. For my family, it happens almost every year. Although, this year was special. Very special.

Christmas morning was great! We opened presents, ate burnt cinnamon rolls (don’t ask), and took the day to relax. It came and went, just like that. However, little did we know that Christmas would be extended for our household this year. The morning after Christmas day, we saw an ad in the newspaper and called the number listed in it. Judging by the title of this post, I’m sure you can guess what it was advertising. We packed ourselves into the car and headed off for a distant Cabela’s… 3 1/2 hours away. For me, this was very exciting. I had wanted a dog for nine long years and now I was finally about to get one. We parked in the parking lot and headed to a grassy area near the store. It had been a noisy ride here but strangely, when we got out we were quiet. We couldn’t wait. This was it. This was the moment. Let me tell you, it was extremely cold outside but none of us felt it because we were hot with excitement. Just to paint the picture for you. There were three puppies, one male and two females. Now, I wish I could say that it was “love at first sight”, but no, it took at least 10 minutes to decide. It was worth it, though, I’m convinced we made the best choice. We drove the 3 1/2 hours home with our puppy Winnie Chewbacca-Biscuit (try to beat that name, I dare you).

Anyways, all this to say I totally underestimated the work that would go into raising a chocolate lab puppy. Winnie is a handful. Reason #1 : Chocolate Lab puppies bite/teeth. Boy, do they ever. So far we’ve had her for about a week or so and she’s already bitten me and drawn blood three times. We can’t seem to get her to stop. Of course, I have to keep in mind that she’s technically a baby and babies teeth. And they sleep a lot. Reason #2: Puppies pee AND poop in the house. Now, you can blame me for this one because I knew that a 2 month old puppy would not come potty trained but nonetheless, it is a pain. Especially to wait out in the cold, freezing winter air for her to do her business. Oh, and also, picking up accidents in the house isn’t fun either. Except I do really like the smell of lavender scented Clorox wipes. So there’s a plus. And then Reason #3: Training is SO difficult! As I said before, I’ve wanted a dog for nine years and along with that I’ve wanted the responsibility of training the puppy so we can go to competitions and dog shows and become famous and things like that. Ok, ok, a little far fetched. I’ve been trying, though, and so far we have accomplished the “Sit” command. That’s it. You guys might have to wish me luck.

But even though puppies are difficult, I have neglected to mention how sometimes they fall asleep in your lap or lick your face when you get home after a day because they missed you so much. Even though puppies require quite a bit of responsibility, they’re great! Really, they are. She’s fun to play with, cuddle with, and just to watch her play with her toys makes you smile. Even though there was a disruption in our home this Christmas (a long disruption that will probably last for 2 more years, mind you) I’d say it’s worth it.

Sharing with sauce,


If any of you have advice on how to train dogs, specifically puppies, let me know in the comments below. It would really help me out!

Some Wisdom on The Force Awakens…

Some Wisdom on The Force Awakens…


Now before I begin, you must know that I am a geek. I get obsessed over things very easily. Sometimes I obsess over something for a short period of time and then completely drop it, and other times it sticks. Star Wars, for instance, stuck. Now, this is a different situation because I didn’t choose Star Wars, Star Wars chose me. Please, you say, you’re probably one of those big time nerds. I would say you’re right. The fact is, though, that the gift of Star Wars has been passed on to me from my father. I grew up with Star Wars, building the Legos, watching the movies, playing with the toys. It almost feels like… like… I’m destined for something greater! Uh… ok… maybe not… but you get it. Star Wars is part of who I am. All this leads to my point.

A couple of nights ago I went to Star Wars: The Force Awakens with none other than my dad. Hopefully, I’ll get to go again, maybe with some friends, but it was vital for me to go with my father. See above. Yes, it was opening night. It started at 9:45 pm and got over at 12:00 am. It was a long night, but let me tell you. It. Was. Worth. It. Since I am a Star Wars geek, I went into the theater guessing that Disney had ruined the franchise with this one movie. Boy was I ever wrong. This movie was amazing. It had everything from references to the previous films to the perfect building blocks of a new story. Humor, action, drama, this was a wonderful film. Nevertheless, you can’t top the originals. You just can’t. You could argue that this had better cinematography, and you would be right. It did. But there’s something about the old movies (I’m talking A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, people) that makes it feel like it’s perfection. All I’m saying is that The Force Awakens was a worthy successor.

So, some wisdom on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, go see it! As soon as you can! I could go on about this movie for hours and lately it’s been my topic of discussion whenever I run into a friend. I can’t wait for the eighth film coming in 2017!

Sharing with sauce,




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Something Serious- from KAYnoodle…

Something Serious- from KAYnoodle…

So I know that up until this point our blog has been mostly funny. Lighthearted if you will. Nothing too serious. But today, I figured that I would change that. I want to share something very close to my heart, something that I just need to get out there. So here it is, my very first “serious” post.

The topic of this post, as I said, is very important. Very. In fact, it deals with one of the needs of a living organism. I know what you are thinking. I am going to bring up shelter, right, mention the many people without homes. No, I am sorry, but that is not my topic. And no, it is not global warming either. I am not talking about oxygen, or our atmosphere, or anything of that sort… No, what I am talking about today is much more important. The topic is… Chick-Fil-A!

Yes, it is on the list of necessary things for life:

  1. Air
  2. Energy
  3. Shelter
  4. Water
  5. Food

If you do not know what this is… well that is impossible! But, because many of you have heard the wrong description of it, I’ll describe to you.

Your heart races, pulse pounding in your wrists. You gravitate, towards the miraculous building before you. You walk, mesmerized by the scent.  In the door, past the line…someone yells at you, and you creep back to the end of the everlasting line of hungry buyers.You wait, and it is agony. You break into a sweat… I can’t take it any more! When will the line be over… and then… Oh, can it be? I’m at the front of the line! Waiting to order the delicious morsels of baby pieces of chicken, those large waffle fries, and Polynesian sauce. Your mouth waters for just a taste of that lemonade… oh, you’re more of Iced Tea person? Excuse me…You mouth waters for just a taste of Iced Tea, beckoning you closer. Your order is up, the wait almost killed you… and then, you are finished. It is over… you need more… MORE! You are hooked, waiting for your next meal at chick-fil-a. And then you realize… it’s a Sunday. Oh, the agony, the pain. You don’t know if you can make it a whole 24 hours. Why? Why must you do this to me?

Does that help you? I know that many people also have faced the problem of not having a Chick-Fil-A located near them. This is a crime! It really is. In fact, the nearest one to my home is located an hour and a half away. So, now I bring up the issue, why must Chick-Fil-A taunt us…draw us in with its’ succulent food, and then deny us it. Are you trying to drive me insane?

Here are the steps of realizing that you can not have Chick-Fil-A:

  1. Shock- what? Why? Who? ( 5 W’s are common, as well as hyperventilating)
  2. Anger- They can’t just do this to me! ( violence may ensue)
  3. Craving- I neeeddd it!
  4. Depression- you will now enter a state of silence and sadness for the next 24 hours until it reopens, waiting constantly for the taste of the flavorful food.
  5. Victory- Chick-Fil-A is reopened! Monday morning- just early enough for the chicken breakfast biscuits.

Here is one last thought on Chick-fil-a- While TGI Fridays is tolerable, McDonald’s- mediocre, Burger King- Blah, Chick-Fil-A is the champion! The Big Cheese of fast food- uncommon in the restaurant business. I just want to tell you, that if you do anything with your life- try Chick-Fil-A!

Here is a famous christian comedian doing a serious song on Chick-Fil-A and he nailed exactly how I feel about it!

Sharing with sauce,
